Sunday, June 30, 2019

Butte Strong Paralegal+Pets Paradise Non Profit (530) 497-0777

After the Camp Fire,  just about every legal related business evacuated or moved to Chico or elsewhere.  With fewer residents, businesses such as restaurants in Paradise face huge issues with the water that is or is not available. If Federal funding does or does not come through, will likely make a difference in the town's recovery.

But for the population that remains, they are almost virtually dependent on having to DRIVE to either Chico or Oroville to hand file legal or quasi legal documents, since very few paralegal or legal businesses are known to serve clients on the ridge, Paradise, Magalia, etc.--at this time.

For that reason, we decided to use a non profit based entity for paralegal and limited legal services, with the goal being community service to  non-served areas severely impacted by the Camp Fire. 

We have not finalized everything yet but attorney can  be contacted at 530 797 6006;  attorney is local to the Ridge area and very familiar with what is happening at the burned site. We usually work with family law and domestic violence cases, animal law issues and more....

Basically we can provide services similar to that of the Oroville or Chico SHARP offices, BUT our services are not free. Services are provided on sliding scale, and we work to see that clients do not commit huge errors, gross mistakes, inappropriate assumptions, or misstatements of facts, and the like. Most self represented clients do not know the law and therefore unless they are able to navigate the law themselves;  it is common for them to file documents that are completely non-effective.  Our background in larger cities,  experience with many issues, and common sense coupled with navigation of the legal issues will help most people with their issues.

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