Sunday, July 7, 2019



[Note: We saw that another testing is not showing dangerous
of the Paradise water system. Because we do not know the evidence,
we simply cannot tell if whatever is being stated is accurate.]
Andy Whelton
I am a professor on a Purdue University team who was in Paradise last week helping evaluate the drinking water system. We have been speaking with the PID as well as the county, state, and federal agencies.
We (the Purdue University team) are seeking to obtain a copy of drinking water testing results from building owners and homeowners who live in Paradise, persons in Butte County whose properties were also damaged by the fire. 
Homeowners in Paradise indicated they are having their own building water tested paid by themselves or insurance companies.
We are looking to learn what other people are finding inside buildings, and if they would be willing to share that information. Any assistance is appreciated.

The Purdue University team is looking to understand the chemicals in the affected building plumbing and wells. 
In the past I have assisted homeowners, community groups, water utilities, states, and federal agencies following water contamination incidents.
Reviewing this water testing information may be helpful in understanding building plumbing issues, if there are any. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Andrew Whelton (please email me at, Associate Professor of Civil, Environmental, and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University


all content here was seen on the Paradise Facebook. We personally do not participate in Facebook but this is newsworthy so here IS THE LINK:
Al Swanson
The current Town Council was elected to run an existing town, not rebuild or build a new one. They not only lack the skills and knowledge, but have conflicts of interest that prevent them from being objective. Proof exists in the surveys they created! The people who lived here want to return HERE, not some newly imagined place created by a think tank and five people who should be focused on the PEOPLE, not the buildings. The people elected them - not the builders waiting to make their millions.
Jones proved she has ulterior motives when she traveled to DC funded by Butte County Realtors and with no Council consensus. Schuster used a ToP post to promote her husband's water treatment company.
At the very least, they should resign to allow new members. Since that might create a large distraction and delays, put all changes before the citizens in a vote. The Council should also be permanently excluded from financial gain as a result of changes they pass. An oversight committee of experts and citizens should be appointed.

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